28 research outputs found

    Vedel-objektiiv abil salvestatud kaugseire piltide analüüs kasutades super-resolutsiooni meetodeid

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneKäesolevas doktoritöös uuriti nii riist- kui ka tarkvaralisi lahendusi piltide töötlemiseks. Riist¬varalise poole pealt pakuti lahenduseks uudset vedelläätse, milles on dielekt¬rilisest elastomeerist kihilise täituriga membraan otse optilisel teljel. Doktoritöö käigus arendati välja kaks prototüüpi kahe erineva dielektrilisest elastomeerist ki¬hilise täituriga, mille aktiivne ala oli ühel juhul 40 ja teisel 20 mm. Läätse töö vas¬tas elastomeeri deformatsiooni mehaanikale ja suhtelistele muutustele fookuskau¬guses. Muutuste demonstreerimiseks meniskis ja läätse fookuskauguse mõõtmiseks kasutati laserkiirt. Katseandmetest selgub, et muutuste tekitamiseks on vajalik pinge vahemikus 50 kuni 750 volti. Tarkvaralise poole pealt pakuti uut satelliitpiltide parandamise süsteemi. Paku¬tud süsteem jagas mürase sisendpildi DT-CWT laineteisenduse abil mitmeteks sagedusalamribadeks. Pärast müra eemaldamist LA-BSF funktsiooni abil suu¬rendati pildi resolutsiooni DWT-ga ja kõrgsagedusliku alamriba piltide interpo¬leerimisega. Interpoleerimise faktor algsele pildile oli pool sellest, mida kasutati kõrgsagedusliku alamriba piltide interpoleerimisel ning superresolutsiooniga pilt rekonst¬rueeriti IDWT abil. Käesolevas doktoritöös pakuti tarkvaraliseks lahenduseks uudset sõnastiku baasil töötavat super-resolutsiooni (SR) meetodit, milles luuakse paarid suure resolutsiooniga (HR) ja madala resolut-siooniga (LR) piltidest. Kõigepealt jagati vastava sõnastiku loomiseks HR ja LR paarid omakorda osadeks. Esialgse HR kujutise saamiseks LR sisendpildist kombineeriti HR osi. HR osad valiti sõnastikust nii, et neile vastavad LR osad oleksid võimalikult lähedased sisendiks olevale LR pil¬dile. Iga valitud HR osa heledust korrigeeriti, et vähendada kõrvuti asuvate osade heleduse erine¬vusi superresolutsiooniga pildil. Plokkide efekti vähendamiseks ar¬vutati saadud SR pildi keskmine ning bikuupinterpolatsiooni pilt. Lisaks pakuti käesolevas doktoritöös välja kernelid, mille tulemusel on võimalik saadud SR pilte teravamaks muuta. Pakutud kernelite tõhususe tõestamiseks kasutati [83] ja [50] poolt pakutud resolutsiooni parandamise meetodeid. Superreso¬lutsiooniga pilt saadi iga kerneli tehtud HR pildi kombineerimise teel alpha blen¬dingu meetodit kasutades. Pakutud meetodeid ja kerneleid võrreldi erinevate tavaliste ja kaasaegsete meetoditega. Kvantita-tiivsetest katseandmetest ja saadud piltide kvaliteedi visuaal¬sest hindamisest selgus, et pakutud meetodid on tavaliste kaasaegsete meetoditega võrreldes paremad.In this thesis, a study of both hardware and software solutions for image enhance¬ment has been done. On the hardware side, a new liquid lens design with a DESA membrane located directly in the optical path has been demonstrated. Two pro¬totypes with two different DESA, which have a 40 and 20 mm active area in diameter, were developed. The lens performance was consistent with the mechan¬ics of elastomer deformation and relative focal length changes. A laser beam was used to show the change in the meniscus and to measure the focal length of the lens. The experimental results demonstrate that voltage in the range of 50 to 750 V is required to create change in the meniscus. On the software side, a new satellite image enhancement system was proposed. The proposed technique decomposed the noisy input image into various frequency subbands by using DT-CWT. After removing the noise by applying the LA-BSF technique, its resolution was enhanced by employing DWT and interpolating the high-frequency subband images. An original image was interpolated with half of the interpolation factor used for interpolating the high-frequency subband images, and the super-resolved image was reconstructed by using IDWT. A novel single-image SR method based on a generating dictionary from pairs of HR and their corresponding LR images was proposed. Firstly, HR and LR pairs were divided into patches in order to make HR and LR dictionaries respectively. The initial HR representation of an input LR image was calculated by combining the HR patches. These HR patches are chosen from the HR dictionary corre-sponding to the LR patches that have the closest distance to the patches of the in¬put LR image. Each selected HR patch was processed further by passing through an illumination enhancement processing order to reduce the noticeable change of illumination between neighbor patches in the super-resolved image. In order to reduce the blocking effect, the average of the obtained SR image and the bicubic interpolated image was calculated. The new kernels for sampling have also been proposed. The kernels can improve the SR by resulting in a sharper image. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed kernels, the techniques from [83] and [50] for resolution enhance¬ment were adopted. The super-resolved image was achieved by combining the HR images produced by each of the proposed kernels using the alpha blending tech-nique. The proposed techniques and kernels are compared with various conventional and state-of-the-art techniques, and the quantitative test results and visual results on the final image quality show the superiority of the proposed techniques and ker¬nels over conventional and state-of-art technique

    Resolutıon Enhancement Based Image Compression Technique using Singular Value Decomposition and Wavelet Transforms

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    In this chapter, we propose a new lossy image compression technique that uses singular value decomposition (SVD) and wavelet difference reduction (WDR) technique followed by resolution enhancement using discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and stationary wavelet transform (SWT). The input image is decomposed into four different frequency subbands by using DWT. The low-frequency subband is the being compressed by using DWR and in parallel the high-frequency subbands are being compressed by using SVD which reduces the rank by ignoring small singular values. The compression ratio is obtained by dividing the total number of bits required to represent the input image over the total bit numbers obtain by WDR and SVD. Reconstruction is carried out by using inverse of WDR to obtained low-frequency subband and reconstructing the high-frequency subbands by using matrix multiplications. The high-frequency subbands are being enhanced by incorporating the high-frequency subbands obtained by applying SWT on the reconstructed low-frequency subband. The reconstructed low-frequency subband and enhanced high-frequency subbands are being used to generate the reconstructed image by using inverse DWT. The visual and quantitative experimental results of the proposed image compression technique are shown and also compared with those of the WDR with arithmetic coding technique and JPEG2000. From the results of the comparison, the proposed image compression technique outperforms the WDR-AC and JPEG2000 techniques

    Reducible Dictionaries for Single Image Super-Resolution based on Patch Matching and Mean Shifting

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    A single-image super-resolution (SR) method is proposed. The proposed method uses a generated dictionary from pairs of high resolution (HR) images and their corresponding low resolution (LR) representations. First, HR images and the corresponding LR ones are divided into patches of HR and LR, respectively, and then they are collected into separate dictionaries. Afterward, when performing SR, the distance between every patch of the input LR image and those of available LR patches in the LR dictionary is calculated. The minimum distance between the input LR patch and those in the LR dictionary is taken, and its counterpart from the HR dictionary is passed through an illumination enhancement process. By this technique, the noticeable change of illumination between neighbor patches in the super-resolved image is significantly reduced. The enhanced HR patch represents the HR patch of the super-resolved image. Finally, to remove the blocking effect caused by merging the patches, an average of the obtained HR image and the interpolated image obtained using bicubic interpolation is calculated. The quantitative and qualitative analyses show the superiority of the proposed technique over the conventional and state-of-art methods

    Medical image illumination enhancement and sharpening by using stationary wavelet transform

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    Medical images captured by various devices have different illumination states based on chemicals used by patient prior to scanning. Consider a MRI image which has low contrast or is too bright, hence the experts cannot analysis that image due to poor representation of data in the image. In this paper we are proposing new medical image illumination enhancement and sharpening technique based on stationary wavelet transform which is addressing the aforementioned problem. The technique decomposes the input medical image into the four frequency subbands by using stationary wavelet transformation and enhances the illumination of the low-low subband image, and then it enhanced edges of image by adding the high frequency subbands to the image. The technique is compared with the conventional and state-of-art image illumination enhancement techniques such as histogram equalisation, local histogram equalisation, singular value equalisation, and discrete wavelet transform followed by singular value decomposition contrast enhancement techniques. The experimental results are showing the superiority of the proposed method over the conventional and the state-of-art techniques

    Dominant and Complementary Multi-Emotional Facial Expression Recognition Using C-Support Vector Classification

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    We are proposing a new facial expression recognition model which introduces 30+ detailed facial expressions recognisable by any artificial intelligence interacting with a human. Throughout this research, we introduce two categories for the emotions, namely, dominant emotions and complementary emotions. In this research paper the complementary emotion is recognised by using the eye region if the dominant emotion is angry, fearful or sad, and if the dominant emotion is disgust or happiness the complementary emotion is mainly conveyed by the mouth. In order to verify the tagged dominant and complementary emotions, randomly chosen people voted for the recognised multi-emotional facial expressions. The average results of voting are showing that 73.88% of the voters agree on the correctness of the recognised multi-emotional facial expressions

    Block based image compression technique using rank reduction and wavelet difference reduction

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    In this paper a new block based lossy image compression technique which is using rank reduction of the image and wavelet difference reduction (WDR) technique, is proposed. Rank reduction is obtained by applying singular value decomposition (SVD). The input image is divided into blocks of equal sizes after which quantization by SVD is carried out on each block followed by WDR technique. Reconstruction is carried out by decompressing each blocks bit streams and then merging all of them to obtain the decompressed image. The visual and quantitative experimental results of the proposed image compression technique are shown and also compared with those of the WDR technique and JPEG2000. From the results of the comparison, the proposed image compression technique outperforms the WDR and JPEG2000 techniques

    Contributions to Deep Learning for Life Science Applications

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    In this manuscript, I present my research accomplishments in various domains, focusing on the development of machine learning and deep learning algorithms for analyzing images and signals. I outline my expertise in creating unique databases that have contributed significantly to research success, such as low-cost seedling growth, the 3D models of natural rosebush plants, and the AgTech data challenge. Furthermore, I detail my involvement in multimodal student behavior monitoring and a multimodal speaker recognition database.My research has focused on contributing to machine learning and deep learning, specifically in texture-based feature extraction, developing deep learning algorithms, and overcoming challenges related to image annotation. I have explored shallow learning techniques for life science imaging, such as local binary patterns and wavelet scattering transform. In deep learning, I have developed convolutional neural network models for microscopic image analysis and MRI, as well as recurrent neural networks and long short-term memory networks for spatio-temporal images. Additionally, I have examined multimodal CNN models and devised novel techniques to tackle image annotation challenges.My work has revolved around advancing the field of machine learning and deep learning for examining and interpreting images and signals across various domains, such as life science imaging and biometric analysis. My future research directions include minimizing dependency on manual annotation and developing novel techniques on multimodal generative self-supervised learning to extract meaningful and high-quality features from multimodal data.Beyond developing new methodologies, my research pursuits aim to foster lifelong training initiatives, introduce new courses, and offer mini-projects and internships for young students. I intend to bridge the gap between academia and industry, promoting the exchange of ideas, resources, and expertise. Ultimately, my research plans strive to inspire and empower the next generation of researchers and innovators by fostering an environment of collaboration, education, and innovation